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Opportunities > Scholarship & Awards > NYCHA-CUNY Resident Scholarship Program

NYCHA-CUNY Resident Scholarship Program

The NYCHA scholarships provide financial aid to students pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees at a City University of New York (CUNY) college. Apply by June 25!

In 2024, based on available funding, NYCHA will offer several scholarships to support its residents in advancing their education and increasing their income and assets. These scholarships aim to assist eligible residents pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees at a City University of New York (CUNY) college. Each scholarship provides a one-time $1,000 award to recipients.

  • NYCHA-CUNY Resident Scholarship – for NYCHA residents who are enrolled full-time at a City University of New York (CUNY) college
  • Regina A. Figueroa Memorial Scholarship – for NYCHA residents with a documented disability who are enrolled either part-time or full-time at a CUNY college
  • Levine Family Scholarship – for NYCHA residents who are enrolled full-time at the City College of New York (CCNY)
  • Kofi Hormeku Scholarship – for NYCHA residents residing in Brooklyn who are enrolled full-time at a CUNY college
  • Kisha Jackson Memorial Scholarship – for NYCHA residents living in Downtown Brooklyn who are enrolled full-time at a CUNY college
  • Amazon NYCHA-CUNY Scholarship – for NYCHA Residents who are enrolled full-time at a City University of New York (CUNY) college

Eligibility Criteria: Authorized NYCHA public housing residents and Section 8 recipients; currently enrolled full-time graduate and undergraduate CUNY students; 24 or more credits; minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.

The 2024 NYCHA-CUNY Resident Scholarship is now open. The deadline is June 25th. Learn more here!

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